Friday 13th September 2024

Linlithgow Arts Guild is delighted to welcome the SCO for their Summer Series concert in St. Michael's Parish Church on Saturday 13th September 2024. We hope that all members, former mebers and contacts of the Arts Guild will come along, together with any wishing to hear this outstanding orchestra in St. Michael's.


WAGNER Siegfried Idyll (18’)
MOZART Sinfonia Concertante K297b (32’)
Interval (20')
BEETHOVEN Symphony No 2 (32’)

Karel Deseure - Conductor
Robin Williams - Oboe
Maximiliano Martín - Clarinet
Cerys Ambrose Evans - Bassoon

Imagine waking up to the Siegfried Idyll: that’s just how Wagner’s wife first heard it on Christmas morning in 1870, and it’s among his most delicate works – an ideal way to start a concert exploring an unexpected side to favourite composers.
Mozart shows his affinity for wind instruments in a surprisingly early Sinfonia Concertante, written for some of the finest musicians of his day and performed here by SCO Principals – after which Beethoven defies expectations in his Symphony No 2, arguably even more revolutionary a work than the Eroica of two years later.

Tickets are available from the Scottish Chamber Orchestra at this link: Scottish Chamber Orchestra 

With special thanks to Summer Tour sponsors Eriadne & George Mackintosh and Claire & Anthony Tait